We have been doing more hikes and climbs on different islands lately. Every island has its own distinct flaura and feel. They are all so different it being impossible to decide on a favorite climb. Lots has changed since we last sailed this way. More boats but the big thing is the islanders have been very friendly this time. In years past lots of places were avoided because of the rudeness of the locals to us boaters. Seemed like they had a chip on their shoulders. Now its like being in Bermuda. After a few days there years ago I asked our waitress why everyone was so nice. She explained that many years ago they changed their work description from being a "service " industry to a "hospitality" one. Taking the service= servatuide out of the equation changed it all in their minds. Now they are hosting us as guests.
Seems like that its been adopted down here so far. Everyone looks happy. Looks like and feels like they understand we are here to enjoy their country and will be spending a bit of our hard earned cash too.
Climbing up a dubious iron ladder to get to the source of the fresh water on Neivis after a two hour hike.
Sailing by Redonda island on our way to Montserrat
I want to be King of Redonda so I have found my Throne here in a 1930s Fife schooner.
Rachel posing in front of our yacht.... Its anchored out in the bay behind these little ones in Antigua
Peeping in port holes at night in Antigua.
Our dinghy looks huge . It is ! We needed a big one raising kids and to use exploring. Iam rowing for a few days exercise.
Tim next to a nice big root.
No dinosaurs seen on this hike up a river in Guadaloupe
Wild Bird passing us in a bit of wind.
Gayle and Rachel trying to find the airport in Guadaloupe. We have just climbed out from a water drainage canal that on the chart showed it was in walking distance of the airport. Trying to save $25 dollars in taxi fare one way. Close but not as close as theyd hoped.
French road side menu. Rachel can speak French . I know a little spanish. We always try to learn something. We both can understand the locals when talking their version of English as we have been in the islands sailing and working for years. But when they all start talking at once I just say , please speak the Queens English, this works most of the time .
Tim and I going back down the canal.
Nice skiffs seen on this expedition
Two hour hike up in muddy trails to get to this waterfall. I had not swam in fresh water in years so felt like I was drowning at first.
Gayle , rocks , and jungle
Another one
Fish market in Guadaloupe selling shark and Ray.
Salted fish is a traditional leftover from when salt was the refrigeration of the day. I love eating this kind of fish. Its very cheap if you go eat where the locals do. Salted Cod in a pita bread is about $1.50
I hike mostly barefoot as I have spent most of my life avoiding shoes.
Rocks I collected on our last sail around the Atlantic from all the beaches where all the great navigators went ashore from the Azores, Maderias, Canarys, Cape Verdes and through out the Caribbean Sea.
This trip I have a bunch so far from each island to bring back to our home In the Bahamas to build into our place. That way I can say that I own a piece of land from most of the islands in the Atlantic.
Madera rocks getting the salt washed off before stowing away. They can drive you nuts if not put away right as when you get sailing wing and wing downwind just one of these suckers rolling back and forth is a nightmare to find.
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