Columbia 45 sloop for sale in Jolly Habor Antigua. Asking $ 6,000.00 US or best offer. Ready to live aboard and sail the West Indies.... Well after a few days of cleaning her up and sorting a few things out.
Own a 33 racing winner of a sloop for the asking price of $6,000.00 US OBO that out sails bigger brand new J-Boat 42 racing machines that cost over $300,000.00. Ready to win races now! On a dry hoist in Jolly Harbor Antigua.
31 classic fiberglass shoal draft sloop in the Bahamas duty paid. Ready to sail any where... Well...yes you will have to finish the interior some. $2,500.00 US.
The first two boats that I will be talking about I have just learned that they are up for sale. The Hobie 33 sloop has been beating the boats I have been crewing on for the past Saturday races. Boat for boat and on corrected time. A blast from the past that still shows its stern to most everything in sight.
The Columbia 45 sloop I have been looking at as I motor by every morning in our dinghy going to work on Wild Bird.
Iam not being a yacht broker here in any sense. What Iam trying to provide and show you is that there are lots of opportunities out here to find a waterfront home to live on and fix up at your leisure and then when up to your standards sail over the horizon on.
I get no moneys from the first two boats. Iam doing this blog as a favor to Rodger the owner of the first two sloops and hopefully to someone else out there that can see themselves in one of these boats.The third boat I own and am no hurry to sell. But will for the asking price.
All of three of these boats are fiberglass. They will most likely out live all of us given a very lackadaisical amount of effort. Unless you run them up on a reef or open the seacocks these three sloops could live forever, and with a little attention they can and will perform as good or better than todays store bought brand new boats for about the initial cost of a deflateable dinghy. Or "Condom boat" as I think of them.
The first boat shown...ah "Featured" is a Columbia 45 Sloop. When I was a kid growing up In San Diego Califorina this boat was new and all shiny. It was so out of place among all the wood boats, cement boats and all the classic boats about. Most of those boats have died off but this sloop lives on through basic simple fiberglass construction and not much else to go wrong. It has a new and taller mast. The engine is twenty years old, the winches have been replaced with bigger self tailing ones. It now has roller furling now on both the genoa and main sail. Back then it was hanks and undersized winches. A smaller motor. No mode coms. Now its all been upgraded.
The owner Rodger has put over $30,000.00 US in this boat over the past several years. He is moving back home to England. He would like to find a good home for this boat. It needs about 3-4 days of cleaning . Most every thing works on the boat now or can be made to work with a little fiddling. I took these photographs this morning. I have not surveyed the boat but am passing on his words to you. I feel that anyone with a bit of energy can be off sailing in this boat in a week after cleaning up. What a big floating sailing home. Look up the specs, on sail boat data on line.
The engine is a reconditioned Perkins 4236.
The mainsail is in boom roller furling.
The Genoa is roller furling.
It has an inner staysail if wanted.
The hull is fitted with ultra sonic growth inhibitors system.
Propane stove
All heads work
Most all winches self tailing.
New batteries
Solar panel new
Power anchor windlass
Anchors, roads, lines cushions and on and on.
Listen... This is a boat that you could spend years just sailing about the Caribbean in for very little output in dollars and with just a bit of elbow grease.
Dont email me ... Email Rodger at...
DONT put an N in hodgkison !!! Fn autocorrect wants to put that in.
Lets look her over.

Ask Rodger for details.

SO..... Yea she needs a bit of a scrub, But the interior is set up on a massive all fiberglass hull pan. This is fantastic because nothing can really ever go wrong with this. This boat needs some elbow work. Clean her up and move aboard. Get the systems sorted and start sailing. At anchor the windflow through the hatches will bring this boat back to life. Rodger has only used it for a couple of weeks a year. Now with you onboard she will have a new life. Get rid of all the stuff that you dont want to deal with. To me I would put this boat at anchor for a couple of days to scrub the bottom and get the sheets and winches sorted and then I would be off to Carriacou to haul out at the best and cheapest yard in the Windwards. From there I would spend the rest of the season slowly repainting the interior to my satisfaction and get to know her.
Email Rodger... Make an offer.
" Mango Pearl" has British registration.
HOBIE 33 sloop " Sling Shot "
Rodger also owns this Califorina racing Sled.
This sloop is for those that live down here and want to have a line honers winning boat that does not cost a fortune. She is in good shape but looks ruff below. This is not a live aboard cruising boat unless you are very young. No headroom. Look up all info online at sailboat data.
She is for sale with very good compostite main and jib that are put away after every sail. This boat has a full wardrobe of spinnakers, jibs and spare mainsails.
Lots of stuff to go with her that is not seen or listed here.
Last week the latest J-Boat, a 122 with its new sails, rigging with the Hall Spar people and sail makers aboard and the owner raced against Rodger who is 77 and his crew which are not far behind. I was crewing for the yacht clubs Commodor on his Bavairia 42. Needles to say we were so far behind. Sling Shot came in behind the J-Boat by less than 60 seconds. Not bad considering the J-Boats jib cost the owner $12,000.00.
This is a very fast boat for those that want to go fast for very few dollars.

Again this boat needs a bit of cleaning due to its barely being used and sitting. It has wear and tear in it but all is mostly cosmetics. Contact Rodger via the same email address.
This boat does not currently have a title but a bill of sale can be gotten. It has been owned locally by several prominent sailors so getting a title should be able to be done. It has no motor so has been sailed as a dinghy.

Ted Irwin designed and built 1978 solid fiberglass shoal draft sloop. " Island Gem"
The short story on this sloop is that she has been sailing out of my island for over ten years. The original owner that sailed her there had spent over $27,000.00 on upgrades on her but after one bad passage sold " Island Gem " to a local for $2,700.00. He never used her. Then an American that spends 3 months a year on our island bought her for $7,500.00 and then sailed her for 7-8 years. Hes gotten older so wanted out.
I at the time two years ago thought she would make a good project boat to keep at our dock for local cruising. I bought her for $1,000.00 and have done lots of upgrades with a now total expenditure of
$2,500.00. This is my price period. Shes on a mooring that she has ridden out 7 major hurricanes on so can stay there till I sell. She is registered in the Bahamas so duty has been paid which means she can stay there forever costing only $100.00 registration fee. Cheap for a second waterfront home in the Bahamas.
She Has the following;
Yanmar diesel 2Gm with 700 hours
New engine mounts
New hoses for engine including exhaust
New stuffing box
New rigging with stay locks
New sail cover for mainsail and ne sun strip on Genoa
All sails in excellent condition.
Deck holes fiberglassed over and new Awlgrip over deck.
Anderson winches
All stantions, bow and stern pushpits.
Bimini frame.
She is solid fiberglass and is in great shape in hull and deck.
She was a centerboarder but the case has been glassed over.
And lots of other stuff to go with her like anchors boarding ladders etc.
Now the catch. The interior has a solid fiberglass hull pan through out. Everything is there. But it needs to be finished out. My plan is to redo the insides in 100 year old old growth pine that I have already cut out to length. Will need to be rewired.
This boat sails wonderful. She can be sailed to Florida with ease. I could do this if needed for a buyer there.
The reason Iam selling is because 2 months after I bought her and did this work I found and salvaged a Dick Newick Val trimaran which I now own. This Trimaran is a more logical boat for us in the future and I cant see owning so many boats.

She has Bahamian registration, a Florida title and was documented.
Any questions on this sloop email me at....

The best boat deal is the Columbia Sloop as you can live aboard right away.
The Hobie 33 is a great boat if youre down here and are looking for a boat to race in.
My 31 sloop would be a great nice project for someone in the states to finish and then sail back to the Bahamas and leave over there on a mooring to use as a second home. I have so little in her that for me she is a fun day sailor for friends to use when we are back home.
If interested in the above boats MAKE SURE YOU CAN GET A TITLE otherwise it will be hard to sail about the islands. If you dont have many skills then these boats might not be for you. I have only just photographed the first two boats and have not surveyed.
These boats are not for free but could be pretty close.

" Trust Me" Iam trying to give you my best boat broker look here.
Have fun dreaming.
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