
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2016

100 000 page views

Its hard for me to believe, but this blog just passed 100,000 page views.

When I first set up this blog I honestly didnt think anyone would read it.  I dont consider myself a writer by any stretch of the imagination. In the engineering profession we are taught to be brief and to the point. To present the facts and figures.  Anything more is an unnecessary waste of peoples time. There is a reason that there are very few novels written by engineers. Nor do I consider myself a very good sailor, or even much of a boat builder.  Ellie is only the second boat Ive ever built.  What could I possibly have to offer a community, most of whom seem to have more knowledge and experience than I?

But maybe the reason this blog has had so many page views is for that very reason. Sure, everyone values expert advice, but its also nice to read stories about the adventures, and misadventures of your peers.

Who knows?  All I know for sure is I am humbled and honored that so many are interested in anything I have to say.

Id like to thank you all for tuning in.  I hope I can continue to hold your interest in the future.

Oh, and to celebrate this milestone, Ive brightened up the place a bit.  Hope you like it.

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